Well, another Cupcakes, Cocktails, and Creations party has come and gone. It's kind of weird reflecting that it's already behind me when for so long I have been looking forward to it. Overall, the party was a very fun and energetic time. Between myself, my friend Kay who sold her fabric creations, my friend Janice who sold embroidery items, my friend Sherri who offered $5 massages and paraffin hand waxing, my cupcake server Lennea and my husband and friend Darryl who served as our in-house bartenders, we delivered a larger than life party to over 60 people! Here is a photo-recap!
Lurking deep in our basement was a party ready to happen!
There was much to do with an unfinished basement that looked like this:
But after awhile we managed to make it look like this:
Getting everything organized was harder than it may look, as it included placing items in terms of genre or price and then adding price tags to each one. Thankfully I had a great husband who was willing to loop each annoying little tag onto each piece of jewelry, my least favorite part!
The husband and I made this pink screen display thing by hand. More on that in an upcoming blog post!
This was a re-furbished Salvation Army find. More on that in the same upcoming blog post, too :)
I sold-out of these super fun Tiffany's inspired bracelets :)
I put my mom to work while she was in town and had her paint this sign from Vistaprint - got it for free but didn't like how small the fonts they offered appeared - so decided to paint it on by hand!
This was the earring rack that I bought for less than a dollar at Salvation Army and spiced up! Another Salvation Army find -- more on this creation in a following post!
A Bead Up first - DIY earrings kits!
Bead Up Check out ;)
And once Kay's "Kreative Musings" table was up, and Janice's embroidery table was set (which I didn't get a chance to photograph - oops!), we were ready for business!
And what is a Cupcake party without... cupcakes?! Right before the party started, I iced the Oreo cupcakes with whipped topping, white icing, and crushed Oreo's!
And did the same for the Raspberry Lemonade Cupcakes -- whipped topping, white frosting, lemon peels, lemon flavoring and yellow food coloring!
And Kay brought Red Velvet cupcakes:
And Lemon Drop cupcakes!
And of course there were drinks, too!
...And massages!...
...And hand-waxing!...
...And my lovely bartenders - my hubs on the left and our doggie-sitting friend Darrel. 
The key to a successful party is in the details:
Haha - I couldn't' resist using this hilarious ribbon! Too random!
Though I start my new job tomorrow, I am going to do my best to list as many products as I can to Etsy within the next week or so. And am scheduled to show in a church fair and also a charity event next month - game on! Wouldn't want it any other way! Thanks again for everyone for another successful party!